"The knowledge of our ancestors guides our future"
At the Edge of the Woods
She:kon, welcome.
Thank you for joining me here at the edge of the woods.
This website is a way for me to document my PhD research as well as my general ideas about history, museum studies and Indigenous studies.
My PhD thesis title is "Haudenosaunee Storytelling and Cultural Practice in Museology: Building Relationships Tsi Teyótte Karhá:kon (at the Edge of the Woods)"
I am looking at museums through two philosophies or teachings that come from the history of the founding of the Haudenosaunee (Six Nations / Iroquois) political system the Confederacy. Edge of the Woods teaches us about how to enter into community in a respectful way. Condolence provides the steps we must undertake to assist others who are dealing with grief. Through my work I hope to show how a Haudenosaunee centered approach to museums can build relationships and heal the colonial trauma we have faced and continue to face in our communities.
I hope you find some of this material meaningful and please reach out to me if you have any questions or comments.
Find out a bit more about who I am and why I'm doing this research.
Find websites, reports, videos, teaching tools, etc. on this page to help you learn more about other people's perspectives or do your own research.
This is my blog, I post parts of the research for my thesis here as well as my broader thoughts on history, museums and Indigenous studies.